It is also possible to pay a one-off annual fee instead of monthly payments, in the UK the annual price is not far off giving you five months free, this is the far better option.Ħ.99 x 12 = £83.88 per year compared to £48.99 once! So, they could potentially offer a buy once price for the essential bits but again, how much should this cost and for how long should the program be guaranteed to work? One off pricing is an option but it also gets messy by having different offerings in the App Store at varying pricing tiers. Some other software manufacturers do allow a single ‘one off’ payment but if you look at the Ts&Cs you are buying that version and maybe a few minor point updates but you will then be required to pay full price if you then want the next major update version. It’s the monthly payments that keep the devs employed, the support staff employed and the software updated etc etc.īy paying you are guaranteed to be able to update your software to the latest version.